When whiter teeth are desired, we do provide this service as well! The most common whitening procedure performed at our office is the in-house whitening. Our office is proud to provide the FDA-approved Venus Whitening System from Heraus-Kulzer. The lips and cheek are retracted away during the procedure, while a gel-layer is applied to the gums to protect them during the whitening process. Then, professional strength bleaching gel is applied to the surfaces of teeth to be whitened and activated using a laser-light curing system. Typically, each cycle lasts approximately 20 minutes for a full session of 60 minutes. Afterwards, some post-operative sensitivity is normal with whitening, and patients are encouraged to brush with sensodyne for the next couple of weeks! Give us a call at 714-779-9888 or email: to schedule a consultation or appointment for our in-office whitening!

Desired whitening can be achieved through several sessions of in-house whitening!

Desired whitening can be achieved through several sessions of in-house whitening!